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  1. Choose a spot where the counts will be done at the location. (Dragonflies are usually spotted in a steady body of water with lots of vegetation) (Depending on the area if your area is a pond you will be focusing on one area at a time as you search for spots)

  2. One person will be the recorder. He or she will get out data sheet and fill out names, date, field number, time, temperature

  3. The observer during this time will do epicollect and get the necessary data from the recorder to complete epicollect

  4. The Recorder will then set a timer for 10 minutes

  5. The observer will then begin identifying and counting the number of dragonflies in the area

  6. Once the ten minutes are up add up the quantities

  7. You’ll then go to a location for every new point

  8. Repeat 1-6 two more times


(Only if catching and capturing dragonflies after observation)

  1. Prepare the nets for catching

  2. If caught quickly turn net to the left or the right until the net is hanging over the rim of the net to where the dragonfly can not leave then slowly guide dragonfly into the butterfly cage

  3. With a piece of scratch paper record the identity of the dragonfly, initials, date and field number

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